Blog Entries - 2020

Kings Ranks as Best School District by Niche
Niche has again ranked the best school districts for 2021. Kings has historically performed well in Niche rankings, which is based on academic and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education. They also use teacher salaries, racial and economic
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Diversity Task Force Seeking Focus Groups
The Kings Diversity and Inclusion Task Force is continuing its mission to improving the diversity relations in the Kings School District. The next phase is creating Parent Focus Groups. They seeking parents who would like to share their thoughts,
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Kings Food Service Will Continue to Provide FREE Meals
Recent communication has been received by the United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) that they are approving the extension for FREE meals for all students. This unprecedented move is part of the unwavering commitment of the U.S.D.A. to ensure that
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Being fiscally responsible is a goal of the Kings Board of Education and the Kings Local School District. We are always looking for ways to save money. As a way to help save the Kings taxpayer's money, this week at their regular meeting, the Kings
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Kings High School Wins 2020 College Success Award
We are proud to announce that Kings High School has received’ 2020 College Success Award! The College Success Award recognizes and celebrates high schools, like ours, that demonstrate excellence in ensuring students are prepared
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Two KHS Students Named National Merit Commended Scholars
Two Kings High School seniors have been named as Commended Scholars in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program. Kaleigh Cooke and Stephen Gerstner have been recognized as placing among the top 50,000 scorers of more than 1.5 million students who
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Kings Brings Neighborhood Bridges to the Kings Community
Neighborhood Bridges, a non-profit charity headquartered in Westerville, Ohio will be launching its Gateway for Kindness to serve the Kings Schools community! A 501(c)(3) organization, Neighborhood Bridges has driven direct support and care to more than
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KHS National Merit Semifinalists
About 16,000 high school seniors in total have been announced as semifinalists in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program. The Kings Local School District is proud to announce that five Kings High School Seniors have been chosen among this select
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCOVID-19 Weekly Data Report Requirements
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and Governor DeWine issued a new general health order that provides mandatory requirements for school operations and reporting of COVID-19 data for both parents and school officials. Here is a snapshot for Kings
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Parent/Student Emergency Notification
The Kings Local School District takes the safety and security of our staff and students very seriously. As a part of an Ohio Revised Code requirement, the District is required to inform students and parents/guardians before the first day of school each
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We have been preparing to welcome our students back! We will begin our soft opening next week as we welcome students and parents into our buildings for open houses, socially distanced, of course! For details on back to school,
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Kings Releases Reopening Plan for 2020-2021
The plan to reopen Kings Schools for the 2020-2021 school year was released on Thursday, July 16, 2020. This plan was presented to the Kings Board of Education on Tuesday, July 14. We are offering two options for the return to school; Option 1 -
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKings Launches Diversity & Inclusion Website
The Kings Local School District has been on a journey of cultural competency for over two years. Kings Social and Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers who oversees the District's Diversity and Inclusion Initiative, is proud to announce a new D&I
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Project Excellence Winners 2020
Congratulations to South Lebanon Elementary 4th grade teacher, Heather Clements, and Kings Preschool Intervention Specialist, Theresa Frazier who have been named winners of this year’s Project Excellence Award, sponsored by the Area Progress Council of
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Kings Bond Issue Election Results
The Kings Local School District’s bond issue on the April 28 Primary Election ballot appears to have failed pending final certified results on May 8. The District would like to extend gratitude to the countless volunteers who have worked
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KHS Ranked in Latest U.S. News & World Report Best High Schools of 2020
It's official! Kings High School is a 2020 Best High School based on rankings that U.S. News and World Report released this week. We are proud that Kings High School has again been recognized earning a national ranking in the top
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KHS Virtual Spring Signing Day
Twelve student-athletes made their official commitments to colleges and universities at the Kings Athletic Department’s Virtual Spring Signing Day on Wednesday, April 15. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the student-athletes were celebrated in a virtual
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District Receives Auditor of State Award
A recent financial audit of the Kings Local School District by the Auditor of State, Keith Faber’s office has returned a clean audit report. Kings’ excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award for 2019. The Auditor of
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Info on Kings & the Coronavirus
At Kings Schools, the health, safety, and well-being of students and staff are top priorities. With the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) making headlines, district officials want to make sure to reinforce preventive safety measures and to offer additional
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Census Bureau Hiring Thousands of Workers
The Census Bureau is hiring thousands of workers across the country to support the 2020 Census. Many are needed in southwest Ohio. The pay rates and mileage allowances are excellent. Hours are flexible and work is local. You or someone you know may want to
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Kings Fine Arts Spiritwear Sale
Update from the Kings Treasurer's Office
As the Kings School District strives to be excellent stewards of the financial investment our taxpayers, Kings Treasurer and CFO, Cary Furniss would like to update our community on some of the initiatives that have been completed. The Kings
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Kindergarten Registration 2020-2021
Kindergarten registration for the 2020-2021 school year begins on Monday, February 10. All registrations will be by appointment only and can be made through FinalForms. Click here to get all of the information you will need to register.
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Free Books for Kids from Imagination Library
The Warren County Imagination Library is here! Kings Local School District is excited to be a partner in this county-wide effort with the goal that Every Child Reads Every Day! All Warren County children under five can have a FREE book mailed to THEM every
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Kings Athletics Winter Signing Ceremony
Two student-athletes from the Kings Football program made their official commitments to universities at the Kings Athletic Department’s Winter Signing Day on Wednesday, February 5 at Kings High School. Families, coaches, teachers,
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KHS Students Receive Military Academy Nominations
We would like to congratulate Kings High School Seniors, Emma Meyer, Will Strassell & Xavier Legault, and Zachary Egan (class of 2019) for their nominations to various military academies. They were honored in a celebration with
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Kings Theatre Wins Awards
Following a record number of nominations and votes, winners have been announced for the 2019 BroadwayWorld Cincinnati Awards, brought to you by TodayTix. The nominees were set, audiences voted, and now we are proud to announce that Kings High
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2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
We are proud to announce this year's Kings High School Award Recipients of the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition. This year, Kings High School students represent with 1 Portfolio by Urte Kireliuete, 3 Gold Keys, 10 Silver Keys, and 15 Honorable
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SLE Named Purple Ribbon School by ODE
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria announced on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 that 94 schools across Ohio received the coveted Purple Star Award this school year. The Kings Local School District is proud to announce that South Lebanon
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Bond Refinancing Saves District Over One Million Dollars
In a continuing effort to provide high-quality services at a low cost, the District, under the direction of Kings Treasurer/CFO, Cary Furniss, completed a refinancing of a portion of its outstanding debt on January 7, 2020. The District refinanced
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Board Members Sworn In
On Tuesday, January 7, 2020, the Kings Board of Education held its annual budget hearing and organizational meeting. Newly elected Board members Peggy Phillips and Stacie Belfrom were sworn in by Treasurer Cary Furniss. At the meeting, Peggy
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