Blog Entries - September 2021

Kings High School Student-Athletes Sign Letters of Intent
Four Kings High School student-athletes participated in the Kings Athletic Department’s Fall Signing Day where they made signed letters of intent to commit to playing their sport at colleges and universities. On Wednesday, November 10 at Kings
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Kings Board of Education Election News
Eight candidates ran for three seats to serve on the Kings Board of Education in the November 2, 2021 Election. The Kings Community re-elected incumbent, Deb Cowan and elected newcomers Janelle Groff and John Skerl in
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KHS Student Earns Rare Perfect Score on AP Exam
The Kings Local School District celebrates Kings High School junior, Samuel Webster for earning a perfect score on a college-level Advanced Placement® (AP®) Exam in spring 2021. Out of over 102,000 test-takers, Samuel was one of only 335 students in
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In Loving Memory
It is with great sadness that we announce beloved Kings High School Spanish teacher, Jorge Gonzalez passed away on Monday, October 18, 2021. This fall Senor Gonzalez started his 34th year in education. He spent his first 2 years at Fairfield
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KHS 2022 National Merit Commended Scholars
Two Kings High School seniors have been commended in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. While these students won’t continue in the National Merit Scholarships competition next spring, they’re being recognized for the exceptional academic
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Kings Ranked as One of the Best in Ohio released their 2022 Best School Districts this week and the Kings Local School District is proud to be named one of the 2022 Best School Districts in Ohio by Niche Report. The District and several of its schools have landed in the top
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Kings Board of Education Appoints New Member
On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, the Kings Board of Education appointed a new board member to replace Rona Walter who submitted her resignation effective September 2021. Mr. Dave Bidwell was sworn in by Kings Treasurer, Cary Furniss. Mr. Bidwell is a
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Congratulations to Our National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists!
Three Kings High School seniors have been named semifinalists in the 66th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) mailed Certificates of Merit to principals across the country, notifying them of the
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JFB Receives Renewal on Purple Star Designation
Congratulations to J.F. Burns Elementary who has received a three-year renewal on their Purple Star Designation by the Ohio Department of Education. The Purple Star Award for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to
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Parent/Student Reunification Protocol
The Kings Local School District takes the safety and security of our staff and students very seriously. As a part of an Ohio Revised Code requirement, the District is required to inform students and parents/guardians before the first day of school each
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Kings Named Best Community for Music Education
We are excited to announce that the Kings Local School District has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. This is the sixth time and the fifth year in
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Warren County Imagination Library
Have you enrolled your child in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library? This incredible gift of reading in Warren County is made possible by the Warren County libraries. It is a county-wide effort through the Ohio Governor's Imagination Library. The program
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Kings Receives Auditor of State Award for Fifth Year in a Row!
Auditor of State, Keith Faber recently announced that the recent financial audit of the Kings Local School District has returned a clean audit report. Kings’ excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award for 2020. The
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On Monday, January 12, 2021, Mercy Health - Cincinnati announced that they will build a new $156 million, 60-bed hospital and medical office complex on the old “Hall of Fame” site located just west of Kings High School. The sale of the more than
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Since November, at each Kings Board of Education Meeting, Kings Treasurer, Cary Furniss has been reviewing district financials with the Board members. Some of the topics include enrollment, property values, state aid, class sizes and space,
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