Ohio Report Cards Released

The Ohio Department of Education released its school report cards last week. This was the third year results were displayed through a star-based system rather than on an A-F letter-grade scale.
The ODE collected information from the state's more than 600 public school districts and broke the data into five categories this year: achievement, progress, gap closing, graduation, and early literacy.
The Kings Local School District received an overall rating of four stars, which exceeds state standards. See the breakdown below:
Achievement: Four stars — "Exceeds state standards in academic achievement."
Progress: Two stars — "Significant evidence that the district fell short of student growth expectations."
Gap closing: Five stars — "Significantly exceeds state standards in closing educational gaps."
Graduation: Four stars — "Exceeds state standards in graduation rates."
Early literacy: Five stars — "Significantly exceeds state standards in early literacy (K-3)."
While we celebrate the progress that we've made, we know we still have work to do and we remain committed to using the data we received to make improvements.
Kings Superintendent, Greg Sears believes that state assessments only provide a snapshot of a district's success. "Our report card data serves a dual purpose: it validates our educational strengths and identifies areas for growth. We remain committed to further enhancing academic performance while continuing to provide rich, growth-evoking academic, artistic, and athletic experiences that prepare our students for the complexities of the world beyond the walls of our school district,” he said.
The full details of the report card can be found on the ODE website.