Kings Teacher Named Jennings Fellow

The Kings Local School District would like to congratulate J.F. Burns Elementary First Grade Teacher, Jill Mohr for being named a 2017 Jennings Fellow by the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation. Jill is only one of 13 chosen from the thousands of public school teachers in Ohio.
This highly-regarded distinction honors master teachers in select areas of Ohio each year. Candidates, who have been nominated by their superintendents, participate in the Jennings Educators Institute during the fall which is a three-part professional development experience. The Institute encourages and supports teachers as they strive to improve their practice. Upon completing the series, participants can earn the designation “Jennings Fellow” by taking an additional step to immediately apply what they have learned. During the next several months, they design, implement, and document lessons incorporating ideas from the Institute under the guidance of university partners.
“Jill is a lifelong learner. She always wants to better herself and makes decisions based on what is best for children, said J.F. Burns Elementary Principal, Cheryl Montag. “She is a professional educator that I am grateful to work with every day.”
The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation was founded in 1959 to provide a means for greater accomplishment on the part of Ohio’s teachers and students. The Foundation awards grants to teachers, public school districts, and tax-exempt organizations that assist public elementary and secondary schools in Ohio and focuses its efforts on two themes: excellent teaching and deep learning.
For more information, please visit the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation website:
Photo caption: Kings Superintendent, Tim Ackermann presented J.F. Burns Elementary Teacher, Jill Mohr with her Jennings Fellow award surrounding by her students and JFB Principal, Cheryl Montag.