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Kings Staff Vaccinations and Remote Learning Days

Posted on: February 3, 2021
Remote Learning Days graphic

This week, Ohio began vaccinating K-12 school staff members with the first shot of the COVID-19 vaccination. The state is coordinating this effort locally through the Warren County Educational Service Center. Each school district in the county has been assigned a designated health/vaccination partner and staff vaccination dates.

Kings Schools staff will be scheduled individually to receive the vaccination by our vaccine partner, Kroger. We were notified that the Kings staff will receive the first dose of the vaccination on Friday, February 19, 2021. The second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination is scheduled for 21 days after the first shot on Friday, March 12, 2021.

In order for Kings staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, there will be remote learning days scheduled for Friday, February 19, 2021 and Friday, March 12,  2021.

Kings Schools staff will be required to report to Kings High School to receive the vaccine during the day. Teachers will be communicating with parents and students about what their remote learning days will look like that day.

We are grateful that our staff has this opportunity to receive the vaccination so soon and appreciate your flexibility. This vaccination is one important tool in our fight against the pandemic and to help our schools remain open. Please continue following guidelines to wear masks, social distance, wash hands, and limit large gatherings.