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Kings Senior Receives Franklin B. Walter Scholarship
Posted on: April 13, 2018

Kings High School Senior, Faith Shields was presented with the third annual Franklin B. Walter Scholarship from the Warren County Educational Service Center on Friday, April 13.
One student from each Warren County school district received the award at a luncheon given in their honor. The award honors students who have exhibited superior academic achievement and recognizes the teachers those students have chosen as having a positive impact in their lives. Selection of the award was made by school district leaders in each Warren County school district based on applications submitted by students.
Dr. Franklin B. Walter was the State of Ohio Superintendent of Public Instruction for fourteen years. This award was created by the Ohio Educational Service Center Association to honor Dr. Walter’s significant and lasting impact on public education in Ohio.
Faith was asked to write a letter to recognize one teacher that has had a significant impact on her life. She chose her teacher, who is also her mom, Kelly Shields. At the awards luncheon, Faith read the letter she wrote about Mrs. Shields.
Faith Shields currently has a 4.48 GPA and is an outstanding senior who has excelled in the STEAM field. Not only is she a 3-D Modeler, animator, illustrator, and a video editor, she’s also an accomplished musician and a student of Engineering and Computer Science.
Through her classes, accomplishments through Business Professionals of America and career shadowing experiences, Faith has chosen to pursue her passion for digital media arts as a career with the goal of working for a game design company or an agency that specializes in animation. She is the daughter of Jason and Kelly Shields.
The Governing Board of Warren County Educational Service Center awarded Grace $500 and honored Mrs. Shields with $250.
Kings Local Schools is extremely proud of Faith and her accomplishments!