Kings Releases Quality Profile

Kings Local Schools joined approximately 70 school districts throughout Ohio in releasing a Quality Profile, a comprehensive, community-oriented companion to the state’s Local Report Card. The profile includes additional accountability measures that better define a high quality education and are not included in the state’s report card.
View Kings Local School District 2015-2016 Quality Profile.
The Quality Profile helps characterize the overall educational value of public education beyond standardized testing. The content is based on six categories: academics, arts, fiscal stewardship, parent and community involvement, student leadership and activities, and student services.
Participating districts initially surveyed residents to determine factors they value in their child’s education that are not being measured by the state, resulting in a more comprehensive profile that measures those education components that the community considers most important.
Now in its fourth year of development, the Quality Profile is sponsored by the Alliance for High Quality Education, a statewide education consortium that works to improve educational opportunities for students and to represent member districts on matters of educational policy and funding.
We hope that our community finds this report helpful as they measure the quality of education that our school district brings to the community.