KHS National Merit Finalists Announced

We just received word that our two National Merit Semi-Finalists have now advanced to the Finalist standing of the 62nd Annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Kings Seniors Hannah Rasmussen and Anders Wikum will now compete with 15,000 other finalists for some 8,000 Merit Scholarships worth about $33 million.
Hannah is the daughter of Kent and Bonnie Rasmussen. She plans to pursue a degree in Physics at the University of San Diego.
Anders plans on pursuing a degree in Engineering Physics or Physics but has not yet made his final decision from his list of highly selective schools. He is the son of Erick and Elizabeth Wikum.
The pool cometing to become National Merit Scholars started with 1.6 million students from across the nation who took the PSAT. Scholarship recipients will be notified in March. Congratulations Hannah and Anders!