Important Alert re: Computer Virus

There is a virus circulating across the country, and also through our domain right now that includes the subject line:
(insert name) has shared a document on Google Docs with you
The virus is executed when the link in the email is clicked on. Do not open this email or click on the link in the email, and delete it immediately from your Inbox. It can easily be identified as it is sent to "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" in the To field. This email seems to be impacting users from all over, but may also come from the domain. If the email is opened, it then creates a chain reaction, sending out the email to all contacts in a user's account.
We are working to eliminate this email from our domain, and have communicated instructions with students and staff on how to have their email password reset. During this time, we will monitor activity on our network account to ensure that there are no additional concerns.
Please be cautious of all incoming email traffic into your personal accounts during this time.
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