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Help Us Support SB 216 and Restore Local Control

Posted on: December 14, 2017

A Step to Restore Local Control: Proposed SB 216

As a school district, we understand the need for accountability measures to make sure our students are making progress. Newly introduced Senate Bill 216 (Deregulation Bill) allows for more time to be focused on what matters most which is instructional time for our students. We believe this is a great start to a broader conversation to determine how to best meet the needs of all students across Ohio. 

Across the country, there has been a movement to regulate educational institutions and increase accountability measures by passing legislation. While some regulations help to improve school districts, there are many that restrict local control, create unfunded mandates, and increase unnecessary state assessments for students. In October, Senator Huffman introduced Senate Bill 216 which begins to reduce some of these requirements from school districts. Senator Huffman actively engaged with local educators to determine areas to allow local districts more control and to reduce unnecessary state regulations. 

We will continue to advocate for our students and public education in Ohio. At this point, we need your help to support to pass this important bill. We have included a sample email for you to use if you wish to contact local elected officials. 

Here is a summary of SB 216.

We appreciate your continued support.


Tim Ackermann
Kings Local School District


Sample email to your local legislators - feel free to copy and paste:

TO: Governor John Kasich, via Personal Assistant, Alex Thomas,; State Board President Tess Elshoff,;  Local State Board Rep Pat Bruns,;  State Superintendent Paolo DeMaria,;

CC: Representative Paul Zeltwanger,; Representative Scott Lipps,

Sample subject line: Support for SB 216

Sample Email body:

Dear Governor Kasich, President Elshoff, Superintendent DeMaria, and Mrs. Bruns,

As a parent in the Kings Local School District, I’m emailing to make you aware of my support for Senate Bill 216. This legislation eliminates a number of unnecessary requirements for students and school districts. Senate Bill 216 is a great first step at allowing more decisions to be made at the local level.

We believe in the ability of the high-quality educators in the Kings School District to prepare our students for their future. We support their efforts along with our local board of education and district leaders.
