Free Flu Vaccines for Kings Students

Health Heroes Flu Vaccination Clinic for Students – October 20, 2016
For the health of all of our students, staff, and your family we encourage you to obtain a flu vaccination for your child and your family through your healthcare provider or
As a convenience for families and to also reach students who may not otherwise receive immunization against the flu, we will be offering flu vaccination clinics on Thursday,
October 20, 2016 at each school during school hours.
Health Heroes, Inc. will be offering flu shots for our students with no deductibles or out of pocket expenses. Private insurance companies and Medicaid will be billed. Students with no insurance will be provided their flu vaccine at no cost. Nasal FluMist is not available this year based on CDC recommendations.
The Health Heroes Clinic is strictly voluntary. No student will receive a vaccine unless a written completed consent form is returned to school by October 14.