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Candy Drive for the Troops

Posted on: November 1, 2023
candy for the troops picture of candy

It's that time of year again to begin preparing care packages for our Troops.

Thirteen years ago, J.F. Burns started the tradition of collecting Halloween candy to send to the Troops overseas. South Lebanon Elementary will join them in their efforts again this year.

The candy drive will begin on Wednesday, November 1, and run through Friday, November 10. Candy (and monetary) donations can be brought to either JFB, SLE, Mac's Pizza Pub Landen, and the City of South Lebanon Ohio Administrative Building.

All types of candy and snacks (including chocolate) will be accepted. If possible, please send the candy in a zip-lock baggie. We will also gladly accept donations of quart-size zip-lock baggies! (These baggies are used to pack the candy to send to the troops.)

Monetary donations are accepted to help cover the cost of shipping. You may send in a check made payable to "The Yellow Ribbon Support Center” or make donations via Venmo or PayPal through All donations are tax-deductible.

Please feel free to have your kids write letters, draw pictures, etc., and drop them off. These will be included with the candy.

If you have a loved one deployed, please email Keith Maupin at or you may send a private message to the Yellow Ribbon Support Center via their Facebook page. All candy is sent via the Yellow Ribbon Support Center!

Questions should be directed to Hope Cantrall at