Is Peachjar replacing the Virtual Backpack?
Yes. Peachjar is solely for the distribution of digital flyers.
Does Peachjar have an app for my smartphone?
While Peachjar does not yet have a mobile app that you can download, flyers are easy to view from your phone via email.
I want to receive digital flyers from Peachjar, but nothing is being sent to me. How can I sign up?
If you did not receive a welcome email from Peachjar, please confirm your email address has been updated in your student's FinalForms account.
How often will I receive flyers?
KLSD has designed its distribution guidelines to include one weekly email from the District and school site to be delivered to each participating parent and guardian.
Will my email address be shared for other purposes?
No! As a contract service provider to school districts, Peachjar never shares your email address or uses it for any purpose other than the distribution of district/school-approved communication.
Do I need a login to view digital flyers through Peachjar?
No, digital flyers will be delivered directly to your email. If you wish to see more information on a digital flyer in your inbox, simply click on the desired flyer to enlarge. You can access all active flyers on your school site flyerboard.