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About Our Board

The Kings Local School District meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a Work Session at 5:30 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of every month for a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Kings Education Center, 1797 King Ave. in Conference Room 2. Parents, staff members, and community members are encouraged to attend these monthly meetings.

Executive Sessions

Closed-door meetings, or executive sessions, are permitted by Ohio's "Sunshine Law" so the board can discuss matters that could be detrimental to the Board, the District or individuals if discussed in public. Items that could be discussed in private include personnel matters, the sale or purchase of property, legal matters, negotiations with employee associations, security arrangements, and any other matters deemed by the Ohio Revised Code to be of a confidential nature.

It is important to note that discussions can be held in executive sessions, but the Board must vote in public. For example, if the Board decides to purchase land, all negotiations would be done in executive sessions, but the voting on whether or not to purchase the land would be done in public.

Board Responsibilities

The Board consists of five members, elected by voters in the Kings Local School District. Members serve a four-year term and are elected on odd-number years.

The Board's major responsibilities are to set policy and oversee the implementation of those policies by the Superintendent and his staff. Other functions of the Board include:

  • Adopting plans and establishing district goals.
  • Selecting and employing a Superintendent and Treasurer, and conducting their evaluations.
  • Monitoring the overall financial operations of the district.
  • Considering recommendations of the Superintendent regarding policy, personnel, curriculum, and other matters.
  • Evaluating the district's effectiveness.
  • Informing the public about the progress and needs of the district.

It is the responsibility of each Board member to represent the entire school district and to make decisions based on what is best for the Kings Local School District as a whole, not individual preferences.

Vision for the Future

The vision of the Kings Local School District is for each student to develop his or her maximum potential. In order to realize this vision, Kings Local will maintain its excellent school district rating based on the criteria in the Ohio District Report Card. In reaching the excellent category, Kings Local will have equipped our students with the increasingly complex knowledge and skills that will prepare them for adult life success in a democratic society.

Meeting Schedule

The Kings Board of Education holds a work session monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. and regular monthly meetings at 6:00 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Kings Education Center, 1797 King Ave., in Conference Room 2 on the second floor.

Visitor Participation

The Kings Board of Education welcomes and encourages visitors to participate in their meetings. The board president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak during the 'Public Presentation' portion of the meeting. Once recognized, you will have three minutes to address the board. Please make sure to sign in so that the board president knows to call on you. If your question can be answered immediately, it will be. However, if time is needed to study the issue, the Board or a school district administrator will return an answer to you as soon as possible.