May 7, 2021
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has issued an updated health order for quarantine requirements following exposure to COVID-19. Ohio students participating in sports or extra-curricular activities will not have to quarantine from those activities following exposure if they are fully vaccinated and show no symptoms.
Previously, students who had close contact with someone outside the classroom who tested positive for COVID-19 were required to quarantine either seven or 10 days, depending on testing status. Now, they will not have to quarantine or get tested if they are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic. As detailed below, those who are not fully vaccinated should continue to follow quarantine guidance.
An individual is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Youth ages 16-17 are eligible to receive the vaccine with parental/guardian consent, and can receive the Pfizer two-dose product, which is currently the only vaccine authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in individuals younger than 18.
Here is a summary of quarantine guidance for students:
Students who are fully vaccinated
- Youth participating in sports and/or extracurricular activities who have been exposed to COVID-19 outside the classroom are not required to quarantine from those activities if they have been fully vaccinated and have no symptoms of COVID-19.
Students who are not fully vaccinated
- Students who had close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) with an infected person or who had direct physical contact with the person (e.g., coughed on or sneezed on by the infected person) outside the classroom and who remain asymptomatic are required to quarantine and must follow specific quarantine orders from their local health department:
- Quarantine may end after day 10 (since exposure) without testing.
- Quarantine may end after day seven, if receiving a negative test result. (Test must occur on day five or later.)
- Youth who are not required to quarantine after exposure occurring in a classroom setting are still permitted to participate in organized sports activities and extracurricular activities if they remain symptom free and follow applicable guidance. For school-based exposure guidance, see “Guidelines for Quarantine After Exposure in a K-12 School Setting.”
Note: The CDC continues to endorse quarantine for 14 days for athletes and students involved in extracurricular activities if they were exposed to possible COVID-19 outside classroom setting.
Vaccination partnerships
High schools are encouraged to partner with COVID-19 vaccine providers in their communities to set up vaccination clinics for eligible students ages 16-17.
Students ages 16 and 17 who are not emancipated must have parental or legal guardian consent for any vaccine. A parent or legal guardian generally should accompany the minor to receive the vaccine, unless the administration of the vaccine occurs in a physician’s office, school-based or school-associated clinic setting, or similar setting. In those cases, parents/legal guardians will be asked to provide consent in advance of the vaccination.
Visit coronavirus.ohio.gov for a list of providers interested in creating partnerships for vaccination clinics in their communities.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Last week we sent you an email letting you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was looking to change their guidance on quarantines for COVID-19. They did make those changes late last week. The CDC now recommends two additional options for how long quarantine should last. If you are being quarantined because you have been identified as being a close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and you have no symptoms, your quarantine can end either:
On day 10 without testing, if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring (meaning you can return on day 11). This option does not require the individual under quarantine to receive a negative PCR test. However, the individual would need to self-monitor for any symptoms of COVID-19 through day 14.
On day 7, from the last close contact with a confirmed case, AND a negative PCR COVID-19 test result, 5 days after the exposure to the positive case. It is the responsibility of the person in quarantine to get a negative PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) from a sample collected on day five or later after last exposure AND stay at home for at least seven days after last exposure. Christy Salek, our Kings Contact Tracer will calculate and provide you with the 5th day from exposure.
With both of these options, it is the responsibility of the person in quarantine to monitor their temperature and symptoms twice daily for the full 14 days after exposure to COVID-19. To learn more about the CDC's decision visit Coronavirus Disease 2019 Quarantine Following Possible COVID-19 Exposure.
After stopping quarantine, students and staff must watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. If you have symptoms, immediately self-isolate and contact your building or Kings Contact Tracer, Christy Salek at 513-398-8050, ext. 77777. Please also continue to wear a mask, stay at least 6 feet from others, wash your hands, avoid crowds and large gatherings, and take any other steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
UPDATE 11/18/2020
Dear Kings Parents/Guardians,
As we planned for the 2020-2021 school year, our biggest concern was delivering quality education while supporting the health, safety, and well-being of students, staff, and their families. We offered in-person and remote instruction to give families a choice that worked best for them. Our ultimate goal is for students to have all in-person instruction so that our schools can continue to provide all of the services that our Kings Local children need to be successful.
As of this morning, we have 332 students and 23 staff members out for COVID-19 related issues. We understand that the spike of COVID-19 in Warren County, Ohio, and the U.S. will most likely create an increase in positive cases and quarantines. The Thanksgiving holiday could potentially lead to major spikes in Coronavirus cases. We hope to significantly limit the number of students that may have to quarantine because of those unknowingly infected people that would come back to school and prevent others that may have to quarantine after the break.
In doing so, the Kings School District will move instruction to ALL REMOTE learning on Monday, November 30, and Tuesday, December 1 for all PK-12 buildings. This will also give our staff the opportunity to complete proper contact tracing from any cases over the holiday break and allow time for our currently quarantined and positive staff and students to return to school.
All staff will report to the buildings on these two days. Please look for a remote schedule to be sent home from your child’s teacher or principal. Kings Kids Childcare will not be available those days. Kings Food Service will still hold their remote feeding program on Monday at CIS from 2:00-2:45 p.m. If you are in need of meals, please email Kings Food Service Director, Jennifer Arlinghaus at jarlinghaus@kingslocal.net. Extracurricular activities will continue on a normal schedule.
Most individuals associated with our schools that have contracted the virus did not have an exposure at school. Rather, through our contact tracing, we have learned that COVID-19 is spreading outside of the school setting in large and small group activities such as:
- Car-pooling
- Sleepovers
- Parties
- Family get-togethers
It is essential that we all work together to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our community with the same determination that has allowed us to successfully open our schools this fall. Please continue to screen your students for the onset of symptoms before the start of school each day, and keep them home if they are sick or if they are waiting on a test result.
We thank you for your patience and trust as we continue to navigate these challenging times together. Our ultimate goal is to remain transparent and honest with our communication with all of you.
Update 11/10/2020
Mr. Ackermann gives a video update on the status of COVID-19 in the school community.
UPDATE 4/28/2020
Dear Knight Nation,
Thank you all for your patience and flexibility as we wade through this pandemic together! I can assure you we have been working really hard to make decisions that our best for our students.
The decision has been made to make a change to the end of the school year. The original last day for pre-K-11 students was May 21. The new last day of instruction for pre-K through 11th grade is May 15. Students will have the entire following week to make-up any assignments or complete any work assigned through May 15. All assignments and work must be completed by May 21.
The last day of instruction for Seniors is May 8. Students will have the following week to make up any assignments or complete work assigned through May 15. All assignments and work must be completed by May 15.
We will be holding a district-wide material pickup and textbook drop off on May 20. More information on times and the process will be coming to you soon.
Here is a message from Mr. Ackermann
UPDATE 4/23/2020
As we navigate these unprecedented times, Kings is committed to living our vision of Relate. Create. Innovate. As stated in our strategic plan, “We embrace the need to learn and evolve so that our school district will remain strong, innovative, and relevant despite rapidly changing landscapes.” Our relationships with our students and families are our priority as we continue to navigate remote learning. We have evolved our approach to grading during these times to allow us to be responsive, present, and equitable to our students’ and families’ unique situations and circumstances.
Please familiarize yourself with the updated guidelines of remote learning and grading.
UPDATE - 4/20/2020
On Monday, April 20, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine ordered that all of Ohio’s public, community, and private K-12 school buildings will continue remote learning for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic school year due to the COVID-19 health crisis.
We know the Governor’s order to continue remote learning for the rest of the school year presents a challenge to our families. Our district is working diligently to partner with you in furthering your child’s education and well-being.
Remote Learning to Continue
Although our school buildings are to remain closed, remote learning will continue through the remainder of the school year. Our school year ends on Thursday, May 21, 2020. We will continue to adjust and administer our virtual learning plans and expectations, provide student services and resources to the best of our ability, and distribute free meals to our students.
Staff Availability
Our school district staff will continue to provide meals, support, and remote learning options to our students for the rest of the school year. Teachers and building principals will continue to share their remote learning plans and expectations with parents and students on an ongoing basis.
Board of Education Office Hours
Although some essential staff will be reporting, the Kings Local School District Board of Education office is closed to the public until further notice. Staff will be checking and responding to their email daily.
Meal Distribution
Foodservice operations are ongoing despite the building closure and will remain in place throughout the remainder of the school year. Staff will continue to comply with the most current health guidelines when distributing meals.
For more information on our district’s meal distribution program click here.
After the school year ends, the district will continue to provide free meals through our summer meal program. The distribution of these meals is dependent on the most current orders from the governor. We will keep our community updated on our food delivery model as we move forward.
Mental Health Support
Our professionals are reaching out to families to ensure they have open lines of communication during the closure, and to make alternative plans if necessary. Our counselors will be monitoring emails and reaching out to our school families in need. Please reach out to your school counselor via email or voicemail if your child is in need. Please visit the Mental Health Resource page on our COVID-19 webpage.
If a student or parent is in crisis contact (877) 695-NEED (6333) or text 741741 and type 4HOPE. Take this time to put these as contacts in your phone, please. These crisis lines are operated 24/7, so please call or text anytime you have questions or concerns, day or night.
Kindergarten Registration for 2020-2021
Kindergarten Registration for the 2020-2021 School year can be found online. Please click here to register. For families who have already registered, please watch your email for an email from FinalForms to upload your documents. If you have any questions about kindergarten registration, email Amy Andrews at aandrews@kingslocal.net.
Board Meetings
Our Board of Education plans to meet virtually and will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. The district will record this meeting and post the recording on our website. Community members may also watch the meeting live by clicking here. Minutes from the meeting will also be posted online. Due to the nature of this meeting, there will not be a public participation section. If you have any questions for the Board of Education, please email Kings Superintendent, Tim Ackermann at tackermann@kingslocal.net.
School Facilities/Grounds Remain Closed
Per the Governor’s orders and OHSAA, all schools, playgrounds, and athletic facilities are closed and use of our facilities by outside groups has also been suspended until further notice. We will be working on a plan for staff and students to retrieve any belongings left in the buildings. We will communicate that plan as soon as it is available.
Scheduled Spring/Summer Events
All athletics (per OHSAA guidance), field trips, overnight trips, performances, award programs, and parent-teacher conferences have been canceled through the remainder of the school year. Our high school administrators are working on options to reschedule senior events pending the directives on large group gatherings.
The Governor and the Ohio General Assembly enacted House Bill 197 to address issues raised by the coronavirus pandemic. This legislation states that Ohio students who were on track to graduate at the time of the ordered school-building closure will be permitted to graduate on time in the Spring of 2020.
We know our seniors and their parents are disappointed, upset, confused, and sad -- this is not how the last three months of their senior year was supposed to go. While it is not the senior year ending that we were hoping for, we are working hard to try to find some ways to make our seniors feel special.
We recognize the importance and tradition of our high school graduation ceremony. Our current graduation date will be postponed. There is a tentative date of August 2, 2020, at Cintas Center, dependent on the governor’s orders for large public gatherings. If we are unable to have a formal ceremony in person, we will find ways to recognize and celebrate our graduates virtually.
Summer School
With the current building closure orders, the district will offer summer school classes virtually until further notice. Students who require summer school classes will be notified by the building principal. We are still discussing summer enrichment classes for our students and will communicate these plans with our parents in the upcoming weeks.
Summer Sports Camps/Programs
We will follow the latest directives when determining the status of summer camps and conditioning programs for our student-athletes. Look for communication from our athletic director and coaches about summer conditioning.
Status of 2020-2021 School Year
No specific decisions have been made at this time on the status of our buildings being re-opened in August. The state continues to monitor the status of the COVID-19 outbreak and our ability to resume normal activities.
Work Permits for Minors
According to the Ohio Department of Commerce, if a minor has all necessary paperwork completed and is unable to get the permit processed due to school closure, the completed paperwork may itself stand in the place of the physically printed permit. Employers should keep the paperwork on file, just like they would the permit. The formal permit should be processed as soon as the school is reopened. For more information, please contact Jennifer Brayton at jbrayton@kingslocal.net.
For More Information
For all questions related to your child’s assignments, please email your child’s teacher or the building principal. We have also set up a dedicated page on our website for all the announcements, resources, and updates on COVID-19. Click here.
We appreciate your support and know that we will continue to work together as a school community to navigate through these challenging times together. As always, we will continue to keep you updated as we receive information. Keep up the great work, we know that these are very difficult times.

UPDATE 4/6/2020
Kings Food Service Department will continue to provide the COVID-19 Emergency Feeding Program through the month of April with a change in the schedule.
Beginning Monday, April 13, food distribution will take place at two locations. Five breakfasts and five lunches will be available at Joshua's Place and Columbia Intermediate School from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Click here for more information.
UPDATE 4/5/2020
UPDATE 4/5/2020
Tomorrow we welcome our staff and students back from our extended break. Although we won't be meeting in our traditional classrooms, our teachers have done an amazing job of creating ways to connect with your child!
You will receive an email from your child's teacher with their assignments for the week. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have not heard from them by tomorrow.
We will continue our FREE Feeding Program on Monday. We will distribute 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches. Please click here for more information on times and locations.
Additionally, the March Primary Election was postponed until April 28. There will be NO in-person voting. The Board of Elections will accept absentee voting only. Kings has an important issue on the ballot. If you need more information visit www.kingsfacilities.net. Exercise your right to vote. Deadline to request an absentee ballot is noon on April 25 and must be postmarked by April 27. For more information on how to request an absentee ballot click here.
Lastly, a special shout-out to the Kings Treasurer's Office for being awarded the Auditor of State Award for excellence in financial reporting! The Office has earned this award for four consecutive years.
Thank you all for your patience and support. We will get through this together!
UPDATE 3/30/2020
Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement today ordering all of Ohio’s school buildings to remain closed through Friday, May 1, due to the coronavirus health crisis. As we get closer to this date, the Governor said he will re-evaluate his decision and decide on whether to re-open school buildings or continue the building closures.
We know the Governor’s order to close school through April presents a challenge to our families. Our district is working diligently to partner with you in furthering your child’s education and well-being. Our remote learning will begin, as scheduled on Monday, April 6. Your child's teacher will be reaching out with assignment information.
As always, we will continue to keep you updated with any new information that we receive! Thank you so much for your patience, understanding, and support of Kings Schools, especially during this difficult time.
COVID-19 UPDATE - 3/28/2020
It’s been a busy week at Kings! Our teachers and staff have been working hard to get ready for remote learning that is scheduled to begin on April 6, unless something changes with the Governor’s orders.
The Ohio Legislature was also busy coming up with House Bill (HB) 197 that addresses some big changes regarding education. The bill was signed into law by Gov. DeWine on March 27. Specifically, the bill addresses state testing and the 2020 Primary election.
State Testing: The bill waives testing requirements and State report cards for this school year, and it allows high-school seniors to graduate if their school determines they were on track to do so before classes were interrupted. Kings High School staff and counselors have been working diligently and will be connecting with our seniors beginning April 6. We are currently looking into potential alternate plans for graduation if it is deemed that we are unable to use the Cintas Center. We will communicate those plans at a later time.
Primary Election: The bill will also push the deadline for absentee ballot voting to April 28, 2020. There will be NO in-person voting for Ohio’s 2020 primary election. The only way to vote is by absentee. If you didn’t vote early or absentee prior to March 17, click here to request an absentee ballot. The deadline to request a ballot is noon on April 25. Ballots themselves should arrive accompanied by a postage-paid envelope. Fill out the ballot and drop it in the mail, or take it to a dropbox at your county board of elections. Ballots must be postmarked by April 27.
Emergency Feeding Program: Kings Food Service will continue the COVID-19 Emergency Feeding Program. We have added 2 new pick-up spots on the south end of the district. The next drive-thru food pick-up will take place on Monday, March 30. Meals will be made available free of charge to children 18 and under regardless of what school and/or school district they attend. No paperwork is required. In keeping all of us safe, we ask that families not congregate at these locations. Upon picking up these meals we request that you minimize social gathering and to please pick up your meals and continue on with your daily plans. Children need not be present to pick-up food. Please click here for dates, times, and pick-up locations.
ALL Facilities are CLOSED: The use of our any of our facilities, including outdoor facilities for any and all groups is prohibited. Per the Governor’s order, no groups are permitted to be in public places and spaces. Please know that no practices or meetups of any school, community or family/friend groups are permitted in our stadium or on our fields. We appreciate your cooperation to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Spring Break: Next week, March 30 - April 3 is the official Kings Spring Break. We want our community and teachers to take a break and enjoy what you love to do most. Teachers are not expected to work next week. In case you were planning a trip away and weren’t able to go, check out Kings Quarantine-Cation Spring Break Activities that we created just for you!
Remote Learning: will begin on April 6, unless something changes. Your child’s teacher will reach out to you with information on assignments/activities for remote learning. If you are in need of internet access here are some free options - https://trc.swoca.net/home-internet.
Resources: As always, you can visit the Kings website where we have an entire page set up for COVID-19 updates and resources. The best site to use for health and community information is https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/. We also realize this is a very stressful situation for all of us. If you are feeling overwhelmed or in a mental health crisis, our website offers mental health resources or you can text “for hope” to 741741 or call suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 if needed.
The most important health message we can share with you is to "Stay at Home." When you are out for essential reasons, maintain your 6-foot distance away from other people at all times.
Continue good handwashing and respiratory etiquette. Governor DeWine and Dr. Acton run daily press conferences at around 2 pm. These are very informative for guidance and updates in Ohio
Thank you for your support of the Kings District. We will all get through this together! Take care of yourselves physically and mentally.
UPDATE: Feeding Program 3/28/2020

UPDATE from Mr. Ackermann 3/24/2020
UPDATE from Mr. Ackermann 3/20/2020
UPDATE March 19, 2020 10:49 am
Kings & COVID-19 FAQ's
There have been many questions surrounding COVID-19 and our school's response. Please click here to view FAQ's.
UPDATE March 19, 2020 10:42 am
Supporting the Mental and Emotional Health of Kings Students
Kings Social & Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers has been working hard to be sure to support our students. Click here to learn more.
UPDATE March 13, 2020 5:00 pm
Due to Governor DeWine’s order to close Ohio schools, Kings Local School District will provide an opportunity for families to pick up breakfast and lunch meal kits during the break. Two designated areas have been identified. The child will need to be present in order to collect meals, the total number of meal kits provided will be based on the number of children present. Five breakfasts and five lunches containing non-perishable food will be pre-bagged for your safety and convenience at each pick-up. Meals can be obtained by drive-thru at the pickup locations listed below:
DATES: Monday, 3/16, Thursday, 3/19, Monday, 3/23, Thursday, 3/26 and Monday, 3/30/2020.
** Additional dates may be added if necessary **
Joshua’s Place: 83 North Section Street, South Lebanon, OH 45034 (Enter from Broadway into the west parking lot and will exit onto North High St.)
12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Riverbluff Mobile Trailer Park: 439 Morrow Road 63, South Lebanon, OH 45034
1:00 P.M. – 1:45 P.M.
** For our staff’s safety, please do not get out of your car**
Meals will be made available free of charge to children 18 and under regardless of what school and/or school district they attend. No paperwork is required. Youth 19-21 that have a mental or physical handicap (as determined by state or local education agency) and who participate during the school year in a public or private nonprofit school program are also eligible for the meals at no cost.
This program will be solely for the pickup of meals, and meals will not be consumed on-site. We encourage families to continue to be proactive during this time. We ask that families not congregate at these locations. Upon picking up these meals we request that you minimize social gathering and to please pick up your meals and continue on with your daily plans.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employee, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibit bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program compliant of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Compliant Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any U.S.D.A. office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request a form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send the completed form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email program.intake@usda.gov Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disability may contact U.S.D.A. through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). This institution is an equal opportunity provider |
UPDATE March 13, 2020 2:36 pm
Thank you for being so patient as we all navigate this unprecedented health crisis in our community. There is so much uncertainty and the situation is so fluid that things are changing hour by hour.
We have some updates for you regarding this 3-week break ordered by Governor DeWine. First of all, it is critical that we all practice social distancing to help prevent the spread of illness. All schools and buildings, including KEC, will be closed until April 6.
The Next Three Weeks
During the next 3 weeks, ALL BUILDINGS will be CLOSED for all personnel and students. The exception to this is that our buildings will be open until the close of school today and on Monday, March 16 from 8:00 a.m. until noon for parents to pick up any student medication that is needed at home and any supplies from student lockers or desks that are needed. We will be encouraging students to clear their lockers the best they can today before they leave the building. NO medication will be sent home with children.
What about work sent home for students?
Teachers may have sent some work home with your student but this work will be OPTIONAL. The purpose of this will be to give our students some options for learning during their time off if they choose. This work will not be graded and will not be collected for a grade. There will be no teacher support in helping to complete. Again, this work is just for skills practice and review and to help prevent what we will call, the “Spring Slide!” This is similar to summer packets that some teachers send home during summer break. The District will be adding resources to our Facebook page with ideas for parents.
What about IEP’s, 504’s, and ETR’s?
The Student Services Department is utilizing guidance from the Office of Special Education Programs to come up with a plan that will be shared at a later time.
What about students who need Mental Health Support?
We are also making plans to support our students who need mental health services. We are still in the process of working out that plan and will communicate with you as soon as it is finalized.
How will we feed our students?
We are finalizing plans to provide food service for those who need it. Our plan is to provide breakfast and lunch for three weeks. That plan will be communicated as soon as we know the final details.
What about Spring sports?
There will be NO athletic practices or games for three weeks starting tomorrow, March 14. Spring sports practices will go as normal today so coaches have the opportunity to discuss this situation with athletes. We will reevaluate the rest of the season at a later date. Please reach out to Kings Athletic Director, Tyler Miller directly if you have questions.
What Happens after Spring Break?
We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 over the next three weeks. We don’t know if schools will re-open after Spring Break and will await guidance from the State of Ohio and the CDC. If we are unable to open schools after Spring Break, a decision will be made prior to April 6 about remote learning for students. We will continue to communicate with you over the next three weeks.
What if I get sick?
If you become ill or know anyone who is ill or demonstrating symptoms of COVID-19, we ask you to contact the Warren County Health Department.
As you can see, we are still trying to find answers to many questions. The District has created a COVID-19 webpage that we will be utilizing to add updates for parents. We will also keep you updated by our School Messenger system and also utilize our social media channels. Lastly, feel free to get up-to-date information from the CDC website.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions.
Stay healthy and safe!
UPDATE March 13, 2020
Stamford, CT. – March 13, 2020 – In the coming weeks, many Americans will be affected either directly or indirectly by COVID-19 and Charter is focused on serving and supporting our 29 million customers. Americans rely on high-speed broadband in nearly every aspect of their lives and Charter is committed to ensuring our customers maintain reliable access to the online resources and information they want and need. To ease the strain in this challenging time, beginning Monday, March 16, Charter commits to the following for 60 days:
Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
Charter will partner with school districts to ensure local communities are aware of these tools to help students learn remotely.
For eligible low-income households without school-aged children, Charter continues to offer Spectrum Internet Assist, a low-cost broadband program delivering speeds of 30 Mbps
Charter will open its Wi-Fi hotspots across our footprint for public use
Spectrum does not have data caps or hidden fees.
As the country works collaboratively to contain this pandemic, broadband internet access will be increasingly essential to ensuring that people across the country are able to learn and work remotely, that businesses can continue to serve customers, and that Americans stay connected and engaged with family and friends.
Charter’s advanced communications network will ensure our more than 29 million customers – including government offices, first responders, health care facilities, and businesses – across 41 states maintain the connectivity they rely on. The network is built to sustain maximum capacity during peak usage which is typically in the evenings, so a surge during the day would be well within the network’s capabilities to manage. Charter will continue to closely monitor this dynamic situation and is well-prepared to continue delivering reliable connectivity. Charter has extensive business and workforce continuity plans in place that will be adjusted as needed to best serve all our customers and employees.
UPDATE March 12, 2020 1:16 p.m.
Letter sent to parents 3/12/2020
Dear Knight Nation,
Kings Schools will be closed starting Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3, 2020.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine addressed the public today and has ordered closing Ohio schools starting Tuesday, March 17th for three weeks due to the Coronavirus. Kings has chosen, however, to begin the break on Monday, March 16 to work with staff on potential learning opportunities for students. Kings Schools will be closed starting Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3, 2020. Our students will return to school on Monday, April 6 pending guidance from the Governor. Kings Kids Preschool and Childcare will be closed beginning Monday, March 16.
We will hold school tomorrow, Friday, March 13th. We will continue to keep you updated via email and/or phone. We will also communicate to you by tomorrow afternoon about any potential learning opportunities during the time off.
Closing school includes ALL school and all non-school sponsored activities. We will be in contact with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) and Eastern Cincinnati Conference (ECC) regarding athletics and athletic practices. Coaches will be in touch with their athletes as we receive guidance from the OHSAA.
What is our plan for educating students?
At this time we are waiting for guidance from the Ohio Department of Education and will communicate that information to parents as soon as we receive it. We will send more communication on Friday.
Will we have to make up school?
At this time, we are waiting on guidance from the Ohio Department of Education.
How will we feed students?
Our Kings Food Services Department is still waiting for guidance from the Ohio Department of Education. We should know in the next 24-48 hours and will communicate those plans as soon as we have them. We do plan on providing breakfast and lunch during this break.
Where can I find more information about the novel Coronavirus?
We will update information as we know it on our website.
Please take the precautions that are recommended by the CDC, such as hand washing, covering a cough or sneeze with a tissue, staying home when you are sick, and social distancing.
We want to reinforce that the safety and security of our students and staff are always of paramount importance to our Board of Education and our administrative team. The Kings Local School District Team continues to actively engage with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) briefings.
We appreciate your understanding as we all work to secure the safety of our students, our staff, and our community, and we will continue to provide updates as needed.
UPDATE March 6, 2020
Our District is continuing to actively monitor the latest information about the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States. While the CDC still considers the immediate health risk from the virus as low, it has encouraged schools and other organizations to be prepared to respond to potential outbreaks in their communities. As of today, three positive cases of Coronavirus have been identified in Ohio and also positive cases identified in Kentucky and Indiana.
While the District Administration is in the process of developing plans in case of an extended school closure due to the virus, we would also like to remind parents to begin making arrangements for any childcare needs, as childcare will not be available at Kings.
Please remember these strategies that can help prevent the spread of germs and prevent the spread of this or other respiratory illnesses, including:
Washing hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub
Covering nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing
Avoiding close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms
Getting a flu shot if you have not gotten one this year
Cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects, and
Keeping children home if they are sick or remaining home if you are sick
Educate your student on the importance of handwashing
As we mentioned in our last communication, we are in close contact with our local public health agencies. For up-to-date information, you can always find it on the CDC website.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
March 4, 2020 update
At Kings Schools, the health, safety, and well-being of students and staff are top priorities.
With the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) making headlines, district officials want to make sure to reinforce preventive safety measures and to offer additional information.
It is important to remember that at this time, there have only been a small number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States. District officials are closely monitoring the situation and taking guidance from the Warren County Health District, Ohio Department of Health, and the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The symptoms of COVID-19 that may appear 2-14 days after exposure are similar to that of the flu; fever and cough. One additional symptom that is present in COVID-19 is shortness of breath. The virus is spread mainly from person-to-person.
The best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are the same preventions that are recommended for the spread of the flu and common cold. Students, staff, and families are encouraged to be mindful of key preventive measures.
Handwashing is extremely important in the prevention of illness. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if you are unable to use soap and water, hand sanitizers that include 60%-95% alcohol are recommended, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, stay home when you are sick, and use proper cough etiquette (coughing/sneezing into the elbow). Here is a great video to watch with your children about handwashing.
As with any illness, your child should remain home if symptoms are serious enough to interfere with your child’s ability to learn. If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, (s)he should remain home until they are fever-free for a full 24-hours before they return to school.
Keeping children home when they are sick is critical for prevention. Please refer to these health guidelines if you are unsure whether to keep your child home from school.
We will continue to update you with information as we know it.