CIS PTO welcomes you to the 2024-2025 school year! The PTO has been busy planning and preparing for another fun and exciting school year for our students at CIS. We are always working hard to find fun and innovative opportunities to enhance your student’s educational journey at CIS.
We would love to have you on our team! Click the QR code to join!

Membership is EASY!
All families are welcome to join the PTO. Membership is just $10 per CIS family. Simply scan the QR code with your phone’s camera or click here. A CIS water bottle sticker is included in your membership. We appreciate your support!
Want to be involved? It’s easy. Come to our first meeting on Thursday, September 7th. The meeting will be in the CIS media center starting at 6:30. Can’t make it to the meeting… no worries. We will send out a meeting update with all the information.
We will have a monthly PTO meeting. Our meeting will be on the first Thursday of every month. All meetings are in person at 6:30 p.m. in the CIS Media Center.
2024-2025 PTO Meeting Dates:
September, 5 – Welcome to CIS PTO Parent Social
October, 3 - What is new at CIS and Turkey Twist
November, 7 - 6Turkey Twist, POTH, and Spirit Wear
December- no meeting
January - no meeting
February, 6 - Welcome back, POTH, and Class of Shirts
April, 3 – Party on the Pavement and End of Year PTO Celebrations
May, 1 - End of the Year Celebrations and Planning for 25/26 school year
CIS PTO Events and Important Dates:
Parent Orientation- Thursday, September 12
Teacher-Parent Conferences- September 12, October 10, November 7, and February 6
Camp- September 26/27 and October 3/4
Project Trust- TBD
Turkey Twist: Friday, November 18
Our annual fall fundraiser. The Turkey Twist is similar to the fun runs/walk-a-thons at the elementary schools but with a fun twist! Instead of walking and running- the kids will spend the afternoon dancing.
POTH: Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22
Putting on the Hits is a decade-long annual lip-synching contest. POTH is a show the entire Kings community looks forward to attending. Look for future parent meetings.
Party on the Pavement: Friday, April 25
Our Spring Carnival- an evening filled with family fun. Games, music, food trucks and more!
Interested in volunteering for these events? Please let us know!
Field Day - Monday, May 12
End of the Year Celebration - Wednesday, May 21
Questions- reach out to us at